We have been documenting only the finest live music since the 1970’s.
Here is just a partial list of some of the artists that we have presented:
- Ace Troubleshooter
- All But Screaming
- All Together Separate
- As I Lay Dying
- Ashes
- Bean and Bailey
- Benjamin Gate
- Bleach
- Blindside
- Blissed
- Cadet
- Chica
- Daily Planet
- Daniel Amos
- Dizmas
- Dogwood
- Echocast
- Embodyment
- Five Iron Frenzy
- Further Seems Forever
- Ginny Owens
- Gone Hazel
- Hollow
- Jars of Clay
- Jeff Deyo
- John Reuben
- Jonah 33
- Joy Williams
- Juliana Theory
- Justifide
- KJ-52
- Kutless
- LaRue
- Lyndsay Diaries
- Metaphor Is Audio
- Noise Ratchet
- Number One Gun
- OC Supertones
- PAX217
- Philmore
- Pillar
- Plus One
- Pneumavox
- Radium
- Reliant K
- Rock and Roll Worship Circus
- Sackcloth Fashion
- Salvador
- Sanctus Real
- Saveface
- Set Free
- Spy Glass Blue
- Stavesacre
- Strange Occurrence
- Superchick
- Switchfoot
- The Beautiful Mistake
- The Subject
- Unforsaken
- Violet burning
- Watashi Wa
Stand by for a full set of artist bios.